Graz. What a livable city. It was such a wonderful festival. I was able to get to know many lovely and dedicated people. The slogan is something of the right thing: Graz comes together – a festival for everyone. So many great projects were presented, unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to talk to every representative of the clubs.

But, as I walked down Diversity Street, I could feel the spirit and dedication of the projects and programs. The music and organization was just
great. THANK YOU Graz, thank you to all the clubs, thank you to all the people who help and thank you for making the festival even more beautiful for everyone.
I would especially like to thank dear Gunda Bachan and her dragon team. They built a beautiful kite with many lovely little details for the Fivestones association and presented it to us at our presentation. We are overwhelmed, very happy and this dragon will find a place of honor in the new FIVESTONES center (soon to open the center in Babenbergerstrasse, Graz – follow Fivestones on Facebook for more!).
Graz is diversity, Graz is worth living in, Graz is great.
I am proud to belong to such a beautiful and humane community.
Thanks to you, the party got even better!