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Gemeinsam mit Patrick arbeitet Franz an der Elektro-Installation im FIVESTONES Zentrum Graz
„Wir richten unser FIVESTONES Zentrum ein“ weiterlesen
Masomah Regl

 For me, “Afghanistan” is not a job. Nor is it a passion or a hobby. It is personal involvement, my story, my family – my responsibility and my duty. That is probably the reason why I find it so overwhelming to act the part of “expert” on Afghanistan for Austrian society and simultaneously be “the only hope” for so many fellow Afghans. Truth is, I am neither a reporter nor a savior.


Last summer has drastically changed the lives of the people in Afghanistan and of the Afghan diaspora. The rise of the Taliban to power led to the death of hundreds of people as they tried to flee. Some died on the runway of the Kabul airport. More than 200 people were killed and injured by the suicide

„Speaking up in solidarity with Afghans“ weiterlesen

„Der Name meiner Heimat ist Trauerland“

„Das Land wird in Armut und Isolation verfallen“. Afghanistan wurde innerhalb weniger Tage von den Taliban überrannt. Solidarität mit den Menschen in Afghanistan in Graz/ Österreich.

Kundgebung in Graz

Zusammenfassung: Masomah Regl, Roohullah Borhani, Asiyeh Panahi
„Kundgebung in Graz: Der Name meiner Heimat ist Trauerland“ weiterlesen